Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Ernie The Attorney: Remember when President Bush gave the old "let's help 'em" speech from New Orleans?

From Ernie The Attorney:

Remember when President Bush gave the old 'let's help 'em' speech from New Orleans?

Jim Amoss, the editor of the Times Picayune had a great op-ed in the Atlanta Constitution (reg req'd). Here are the first few paragraphs:

President Bush flew into New Orleans shortly after Hurricane Katrina devastated the city. His staff had to fire up giant generators to bathe St. Louis Cathedral and Jackson Square in floodlights, as a backdrop for his promise that he would ''do what it takes'' to rebuild New Orleans.

''There is no way to imagine America without New Orleans,'' he said, ''and this great city will rise again.''

Then the lights went out, and the president left. Vast swaths of the city have been in darkness ever since.

Yeah, no surprise there. Our politicians have spent the last few decades learning about the importance of 'playing to the cameras.' And it's become a very intricate process. They not only get the best cameras, but they also have location scouts and lighting directors. Hell, even if the optimal location is without power they can bring generators.

Man, is this a great country or what?

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