Tuesday, May 01, 2007

And just because I love books!....

Here is a link to a wonderful article from the Boston Globe about an exhibit opening tomorrow, of miniature books at the Boston Public Library (which also has info about the exhibit on their web page). These books are about 3/4 inch by 1/2 inch in size -- just beautiful! There is a similar exhibit at the New York Grolier Club (here) opening May 16. If you are in easy distance, either exhibit should be lovely, but you can also see a bit on the two websites. Tres cool! The image above is from the Grolier Club announcement page, http://www.grolierclub.org/ExMiniatureBooks.htm


hypatia said...

naaaw - those are so lovely!

Marie S. Newman said...

Thanks for pointing out the exhibit at the Grolier Club. I would have missed it otherwise. I have a couple of miniature books, and I treasure them.